Data Structures
- An analysis of algorithm performance, covering concepts like Big O notation, time complexity, and space complexity, with examples to understand how different data structures impact algorithm efficiency.
- An in-depth exploration of arrays, covering their characteristics, types, advantages, disadvantages, and memory layout.
- A comprehensive guide to linked lists, discussing their structure, types (singly, doubly, circular), advantages, disadvantages, and common operations with C code examples.
Linked Lists: One Step at a Time!
- A step-by-step tutorial on building linked lists in C, starting from basic node creation to more complex operations, aimed at beginners.
- An overview of stacks, explaining their LIFO principle, applications, and implementation using arrays and linked lists in C.
- An introduction to queues, detailing their FIFO principle, applications, and implementation using arrays and linked lists in C.
- A foundational article on tree data structures, covering terminology, types, and basic operations, with examples in C.
- An introductory piece on graph data structures, discussing their representation, types, and traversal algorithms, with practical examples.
DSA: Basics of Recursion, Pointers, and Dynamic Allocation
- A foundational article discussing essential concepts like recursion, pointers, and dynamic memory allocation, crucial for understanding complex data structures.
- An overview of sorting algorithms, including bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort, merge sort, and quicksort, with explanations on time complexity and usage.
- A guide to searching algorithms, covering linear search, binary search, and other techniques, with discussions on efficiency and use cases.
- An introduction to hashing, explaining hash functions, collision handling, and the importance of hashing in data structures and algorithms.